There’s More Power & Magic Inside of You Than You’ll Ever Know
At Relax With Lucy & Co we just love everything wellbeing. We were recently contacted by Lyndsey who shared her wellbeing story with us and what a great story this is, have a read to find our more about Lyndsey’s inspiring story.
In my mid-twenties I became seriously unwell and was finally diagnosed with CFS/ME. It’s also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - a misleading name as people (understandably) think it means you’re tired all the time. If only that were true! The fatigue experienced by people with CFS/ME is debilitating.
Years ago, when my symptoms were at their worst, I would lie in bed for days, feeling my heart beating and thinking ‘my body is too weak to continue pumping blood’. It sounds completely ridiculous but there were many nights I thought I may die as my body felt too weak to keep my heart beating!
Along with the ‘fatigue’, I experienced a range of other symptoms; brain fog (struggling to focus, understand words and retain information), flu-like symptoms, digestive symptoms, muscle and joint pain, swollen glands, an internal tremor or vibration throughout my body, severe muscle weakness, skin conditions, insomnia, an underactive thyroid, adrenal issues, anxiety and more.
My quest to heal.
As there is little understanding about CFS/ME and no cure I was unable to get any support from my GP so, feeling a mixture of desperation, exhaustion, hope and curiosity,
I set out on my own quest to heal. I tried so many different complementary therapies for years and years. I kept looking for an expert who could ‘heal me’. Until I finally realised I was responsible for healing myself.
The power was all in me!
The first thing I did was look at my diet; cutting out the foods that weren’t helping me and taking a myriad of supplements to fill my gut with some goodies! But this wasn’t enough by any stretch. So I researched the immune system, limbic system, endocrine system and nervous system so I could really understand what was happening inside my body. This got me so curious about the mind-body connection and I realised that the thoughts going round my head were having enormous physiological and biological consequences. They were causing reactions in my genes and cells!
A deeper search
I realised I had to search deeper still. Into that terrifying murky world of my emotions. I had to learn to actually feel my feelings and then find ways of expressing them. I learnt techniques to quieten my mind. When I first tried meditating, I got up afterwards and thought ‘well that didn’t work’. I don’t know what kind of miracle I had been expecting! But with regular practice and experimentation I learnt its power. I also practised yoga nidra - an incredibly restful and restorative practice which does wonders for calming the nervous system.
I read about ‘being present’ – that this moment right now is the only one we have – that the past and future don’t exist. And so I learnt how to be mindful - to be present. In my darker days when I couldn’t get out of bed I’d focus on a tree outside the window and become mesmerised by its colours and movements. I grew to appreciate the small things - a sip of coffee, the feeling of my cat’s fur.
The magic of the mind, brain and energy body I learnt hypnotherapy and all about the sub-conscious mind. This part of our mind pretty much rules the roost and learning to tap into its power was transformational for me.
I learnt that I could change unhelpful habits, beliefs and behaviours and become the master of my thoughts and actions; and consequently my body and my health. I learnt about the body’s energy system and how I could release past emotional and physical wounds from these crazy things called ‘chakras’. I learnt about the brain and how we can literally re-wire it through neuroplasticity - and how doing this would directly impact on my physical health. I learnt how to listen to my body and my own intuition. Our bodies talk to us all the time. They whisper and whisper and if we don’t listen they talk louder and louder and if we still don’t listen they shout! I’ve learnt to be silent and listen to the whispers now. I know my body is thanking me!
Twenty years on I’m now 20 years on and, whilst I still have CFS/ME, my health and quality of life have improved beyond recognition. No longer am I lying in bed looking out at a tree! I’m working in a profession I absolutely love, I’m learning golf, going out dancing and enjoying every moment of life. I feel so grateful that from this debilitating condition I managed to find such positivity and joy. I use all the wellbeing practices I learnt (and eventually trained in) on a daily basis as I truly can’t imagine living life in any other way.
My tips for finding your inner power and magic
From all of my personal and professional experience, here are some of my wellbeing tips:
Learn to truly rest - lying on the sofa watching TV doesn’t count! Learn to rest the body, mind and emotions at the same time. And do this for at least 10-15 minutes twice a day (try yoga nidra).
Learn to meditate - throw out the rule book and find your own way. Learning to still your mind from endless thoughts is such a blessed relief! Incorporate mindfulness into your day. Tune into your senses. What can you see, hear, smell, taste and feel?
Be aware of your thoughts - you can’t ‘police’ them if you’re not first aware of them. They are your inner environment - every cell of your body hears them.
Practice gratitude each day and look for the joy in every moment. If we don’t look for it, we often miss it.
Face your inner demons – yes it’s scary but my goodness it’s worth it! Get help if you need to. Never give up. There’s more power and magic inside of you than you’ll ever know.
Lindsay Heath is a Hypnotherapist, Transformation Coach and Healer based in Newbury, Berkshire and working 1-1 with clients across the UK and further afield via Zoom.
Lindsay helps her clients with a wide range of issues and particularly enjoys helping people to overcome anxiety, build self-confidence and manage their weight. In addition, she has developed a unique programme of support for people with CFS/ME, having had this condition herself for 20 years.
She also runs the Facebook group – CFS Warriors. Lindsay also offers wellbeing in the workplace sessions, does additional work for a coaching consultancy and a healing school, and gives talks to various groups and organisations.
Lindsay is trained and qualified in a number of disciplines including; hypnotherapy, energy healing, coaching, meditation, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mindfulness, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), neuroplasticity and EMDR (Eye Movement Densitisation and Reprocessing).
Lindsay lives with her partner and three-legged cat! She loves live music, nature and trying (badly) to play golf.
Connect with Lindsay: Follow Intuitive Giraffe on Facebook:
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Connect with Lindsay’s CFS Roadmap for Recovery programme:
Join the CFS Warriors Facebook group:
Follow CFS Roadmap for Recovery on Instagram